G4916 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


4916sunthapto {soon-thap'-to} 源自4862与2290;TDNT-7:786,1102;动词 AV-bury with 2;2

1)与....同葬 信徒藉着洗礼,宣告相信基督代赎的死能赦免自己过往的罪; 因此保罗将洗礼比喻为过往的罪都随之埋葬消除.

4916sunthapto {soon-thap'-to} from 4862and 2290;TDNT-7:786,1102;v AV-bury with 2;2

1)to bury together with For all who in the rite of believer's baptism are plunged into the water,thereby declare that they put faith in the expiatory death of Christ for the pardon of their past sins;therefore Paul likens baptism to a burial by which the former sinfulness is buried,i.e. utterly taken away.